The Center for Holistic Living welcomes thoughtful and well-written articles on topics of holistic living, religion and spirituality.
Please note that the foundational principle our website is “dialogue”. Dialogue assumes that all parties involved are working together to arrive at a deeper understanding of the topic at hand, not asserting one’s own point of view as the only correct one. Therefore, inflammatory language or ad hominem arguments will not be accepted. Critical assessment is a vital part of dialogue, but criticism of another’s point of view must be presented in a civil manner and as objectively as possible. We understand that topics within the parameters of religions and spirituality, if you choose to write on one of these topics, are often controversial. Nonetheless, articles that we deem to be hostile in tone will not be published.
Ideally, articles will be 800-1000 words, but we will consider longer articles. We do not pay for articles. Also, please do not submit articles that have already been published, in any form, in print or online. Submit your article idea, along with information about yourself on this page.