Comments about Ms. Dantes
Rick Sant’Angelo
“”We are indeed the ones who are fortunate. If ever there was such a thing as a bodhisattva, or a reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara, you are the one. You have given us a gift that few on this earth could offer.
Father Peter Gelfer
O.H., R.N., M.Div.
O.H., R.N., M.Div.
“”Ligia Dantes is akin to the mystics of the 16th Century, such as Teresa of Avila, who were reformers at the grassroots level; who encouraged people to bring about reform by reforming themselves. She is a contemplative in action who doesn’t allow the allure and attractiveness of modern life to dim her vision. She herself is integrated—living the values about which she speaks: slowing down, awareness, love, joy, gentleness and kindness. She utilizes her knowledge of psychology as she goes to a deeper level, serving people who yearn for the truth and want to discover their highest principle. She speaks a universal language which goes across all traditions.
Michael Toms
New Dimensions Radio Host
New Dimensions Radio Host
“”The power of Krishnamurti in female form.
Amit Goswami, Ph.D.
“”The major part of the teaching is indirect when working with a spiritual master like Ligia Dantes.
Elaine Swain
“”During my life I have only met three people whose presence, I felt, spoke to me from the same depth of spiritual experience: Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Lama, and Ligia Dantes.
Shalija Patel
Author and Poet
Author and Poet
“”Ms. Dantes IS her message. Her presence is the most powerful teaching of what it means to truly embody clarity, compassion and integrity..
Tom Lehnert
“”Having recently met with Ligia Dantes for the first time, I cannot overstate the benefits of my dialogues with her. She was genuinely compassionate, refreshingly candid, and avoided providing quick and convenient answers. For anyone exploring their spiritual path, I can think of no better guide than Ms. Dantes.
Akasa Levi
Los Angeles, psychotherapist and former Buddhist monk
Los Angeles, psychotherapist and former Buddhist monk
“”…a skillfully focused wisdom-teacher on the highest level.