Many of our friends were unable to attend the Celebration of Life but had wonderful things to say in their emails. We have included some of their comments below.
The first, from Marjoyrie Kunzle, includes a work of art that was inspired by Ms. Dantes’ quote on our Celebration of Life announcement. She gave us permission to share it with our readers.
“I was drawn to Ligia’s quote about the life death portals side by side and so I drew myself as the double ”cell” shape. The upper part is me in my body and thru the portal and attached, is the death part of me. And then I drew on those close to me as separate Beings, my husband, and my two adult children, as we are all One. With love and blessings. I listened to Ligia’s meditation tape this AM.”
“It came from a meditative state, and was inspired, as you know, by Ligia’s quote on the memorial announcement. It is so helpful to me to think of the birth into Life, and the death Portals as combined, as I had so much fear and ignorance about death. As a mother I know that my two children manifested through a mysterious, invisible Portal; suddenly they appeared on Stage, surely by magic. But with death I had lots of fears, and so Ligia’s quote about the two Portals being together helps me to remember What I really Am and that I, and those I love, are simply going back through that same Portal returning to whence they came.”
— With blessings, Marjoyrie
“So, often, when I think about or try to explain what Ms. Dantes is/was about and what she means to me, I have to stop trying to explain or understand and just sit awed like I do in a redwood forest or watching the ocean waves crash against the cliffs of Montana de Oro state park in Los Osos. And just be grateful that I was one of the lucky souls to experience Ms. Dantes in person.”
— Joan
“Your note brought to mind the profound influence that knowing her has had on our lives.”
— Robert and Elizabeth
“We are so grateful to have known Ms. Dantes. I think of her often and how profound her impact was on our lives. I meditate every Day and am more peaceful and loving for having known her. We will miss her very, very much. As she said, we are all stardust and every time I see a star, I will bless her.”
— Cathy and Art
“The world is definitely losing an amazing being–one who has affected many lives for the better, I know.”
— Ritu
“She was humble and warm and had eyes that looked beyond our shells . . . the feeling and gratefulness of knowing her will go on forever . . . She was beautiful on the inside and outside!”
— Greg
“I remain grateful for her patient teachings and open-hearted acceptance.”
— Carol
“What a lovely woman and a loving life she led. I only met her once, but am blessed by her teachings. May she rest in joy and peace.”
— Lisa
“She was a sweet and gentle soul always expressing love. Heaven will welcome her with open arms.”
— Esther
“I met Ms Dantes some years ago at one of her meditation retreats and it was a wonderful experience I have never forgotten. She was amazing! One of the best meditation retreats ever.”
— Joanne
“Her energetic presence has been a large one in my life, even when we have been separated by miles and years. Ligia was probably my greatest teacher and her words and energy have been a deep influence on my life and work. She continues to teach me every day.”
— Jonathan
“She was ever outgoing and so generous with her time and insights. And I still often hear her laughter when passing along some painful but necessary teaching. In grateful appreciation, Ligia, for your offerings to us.”
— Will
“Ms. Dantes light was/is so bright. I feel blessed to have experienced her presence, her love and her wisdom. A very bright light indeed.”
— Peggy
“She has always reflected a deeply serene and loving presence not unlike I experienced when the ‘Mother’ at Pondicherry, India when she came out on a veranda at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1968. Ligia had that ‘presence’ too. I feel extremely blessed having known her friendship and love.”
— Craig
“She was/is a treasure like the world rarely gets to experience. There is still not a day goes by that I do not hear Ms. Dantes loving guidance and neutral inquiry in the quiet corners of my mind and heart. When challenged I retreat into silence and envision sitting in front of her. A few soft, well-chosen words from Ms. Dantes and everything always fell into perspective.”
— Sapphire